Join a Club–It’ll do you good

For students, the gains of joining a club are far more than a good line on a college resume.

By Airelyn Trimmer

Joining a club in high school holds great importance, but most people don’t realize how important it can really be. Whether it’s the debate club, drama club, yearbook club, or even the science bowl, everyone belongs to a community. And it’s not only about being a part of a community, you are a part of a group with people who share a common interest.

Most people urge you to join clubs because they “look good for college,” however that barely scrapes the surface of their importance. The work, school, and life balance is already tough enough but these clubs are meant to feel like hobbies, not chores. Joining a club will teach you good teamwork skills, and if you don’t already have a job in high school those skills are important to learn early on. In most pathway classes at Central High School you will be told over and over you need “soft skills,” but no one seems to offer a solution on how to get these soft skills. Well, high school clubs give you valuable soft skills like listening, responsibility, accountability, problem solving, leadership, empathy, and time management.

Finding something you’re passionate about and being able to express yourself with other people is key. You walk into the Central High School library and see unfamiliar faces sitting in a group discussing the next debate topics for the season or maybe arranging design ideas for the school yearbook; either way, these people won’t be unfamiliar for very long. You’ll soon realize this common interest has brought you new experiences, and, most importantly, it brought you together. It’s something that will stick with you for life. Imagine you sit down with a friend in 20 years for coffee and start discussing your hobbies in high school. You’ll remember the times you sat in the library or in a classroom with your friends, and you’ll realize this is where you really felt at home.

High school is a period in time where people are discovering their interests and developing into the adults we will soon be. Joining a club is a perfect way to try to discover your interests and even the type of people you want to surround yourself with, likewise, high school is the best time for this. People usually define being successful as having money, a good job, or maybe even a nice car. However, what’s more important is being rich in experiences, and clubs will allow you to live these experiences.